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Everything EA Announced At E3 2. Electronic Arts just kicked off E3 2. Saturday press conference. EA showed some Star Wars, some sports, some car chases, and a brand- new game from Bio. Ware called Anthem.
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There was also a live drumline, in case you thought E3 needed more drumlines. EA didn’t announce much—the only two new games were Anthem and a prison break game called A Way Out—and most of the conference was dedicated to sports and Battlefront II. Let’s run it all down. Star Wars: Battlefront II Aims To Fix The First Game’s Problems.
EA dedicated the entire back half of its show to Star Wars: Battlefront II, focusing mostly on multiplayer, which will span all eras of Star Wars. All post- release multiplayer add- ons will be free this time around, meaning that everyone will be able to keep playing the game “for years to come,” according to presenter Janina Gavankar. Gavankar, who plays the main character in Battlefront II’s single player, stared down the audience in character as she took the stage. It was a fun, if slightly awkward moment in an otherwise sleepy press conference.)They then showed a bunch of live multiplayer gameplay set on a map on Naboo. Watch The Kid With A Bike Youtube. There was a ton going on, and it was hard to tell how it’ll actually feel to play.
EA says the game will have more vehicles, more customization, more abilities, more classes, and more options in general. They also say they’ve fine- tuned the gunplay so that everything feels better than it did in the first game. At the very least, it’ll be cathartic to hop in a tank and blow the shit out of Naboo. You can find more info on the Battlefront II announcements, including EA’s press release, here. Bio. Ware’s New Game Is Called Anthem. We also got a teaser for Anthem, a brand new series from Bio. Ware. It looks like a sci- fi game with lush environments, big monsters and characters who wear suits of power armor.
The teaser was scant on details, but EA says it’ll share more at the Microsoft press conference tomorrow. A Way Out: A Promising Co- Op Prison Break Game. EA will also be publishing a new game called A Way Out, which is being made by the people behind the fantastic Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. It’s a cinematic prison break game where you control one of two unlikely partners thrown together in a common cause. The game is built entirely as a co- op experience, meaning you can’t play it solo, though I’m sure some intrepid gamers will make it work. It can be played in splitscreen or online. Brothers was a really good game (if you haven’t played it, play it!), and A Way Out looks like a promising evolution of a lot of the ideas that game explored.
Need For Speed Payback Looks Fast, Furious. EA shared some new information about Need For Speed Payback, which sure looks like a Fast And The Furious game. Which I am totally in favor of. Gameplay- wise, it looks like some kinda combination of Split/Second and Burnout, which, also, sounds good. Battlefield 1 Will Get Night Maps And A Russian Expansion. The already wildly popular shooter Battlefield 1 is getting two night maps, which debut this summer. Because Battlefield 1 wasn’t chaotic enough.
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They also announced In The Name of the Tsar, an expansion that will add new maps from World War 1's eastern front. Watch Psycho III Online Free HD there. The expansion will add six new maps featuring the Russian army along with “the iconic women’s battalion of death.” That expansion hits in September.
Lastly, they teased a new small- squad competitive mode, saying they’ll share more details at Gamescom in August. Madden 1. 8 Gets A Story Mode. Madden 1. 8 kicked off the show as EA announced a new Long. Shot game type, which adds a sports movie- like narrative to the game. It looks melodramatic as hell. Fifa 1. 8 is ‘Fueled By Ronaldo’Fifa 1.

I also very much enjoyed their use of the phrase “FUELED BY RONALDO.” Like Madden 1. Fifa 1. 7 character. NBA Live 1. 8 will combine street ball with NBA tournament play. We also got a quick look at NBA Live 1. And that about does it for EA. We’ll be covering E3 for the next week, with news, liveblogs, podcasts, videos, and more.
Dance Moms' Jo. Jo Siwa reveals the dark side of fame Eamonn Holmes asked a This Morning guest whether they had consumed a lot of 'sugary drinks' following their 'energetic' appearance on the show. Jo. Jo Siwa, 1. 4 who first found fame on US show Dance Moms alongside her mother Jessalyn, bounded into the This Morning studio to talk about her career and as well as being cyber bullied. But the interview was so fast- paced it lead him to ask: 'On telly you've got all this great energy and you sing and you dance, just energy, energy, energy and there's a lot of happiness and positivity there. Eamonn Holmes questioned This Morning guest Jo. Jo Siwa whether she had drunk a 'lot of fizzy drinks' during her energetic appearance on the show Jo. Jo Siwa is a huge online sensation after first finding fame on US reality programme Dance Moms alongside her own mother Jessalyn'Where do you get all that energy from - do you drink a lot of sugary drinks?'The youngster, who has two You.
Tube channels with over three million followers and 6. Instagram account with six million followers and a regular stint on Nickelodeon, laughed in response.'I don’t. People call me energy in a bottle. It is literally always like this. But when I’m done I sleep.' Viewers were left equally flabbergasted by the youngsters unfaltering energy levels taking to Twitter to share their thoughts. User Charlotte wrote: 'omg jojo on this morning how does she have so much energy (sic)'While Lauren C Wallace added: 'Jheeze that Jo.
Jo is so full of energy #thismorning'. But despite her popularity, the home- schooled teen style icon from California has revealed she has been the victim of online bullying.
The dancer and singer says that because she is home- schooled she doesn't witness 'in- person bullying', instead she has been the victim of cyberbullying. The energetic youngster appeared on This Morning to talk about her own experiences and to encourage others not to listen to anything negative. Viewers were equally surprised at Jo. Jo's energy levels during her appearance on the show During an appearance on This Morning she explained: 'They can just comment "you're fat", "you're ugly", "you're weird", "I hate you", "you're a brat" and "you're annoying".' The enthusiastic youngster continued: 'It's just terrible.
It's so mean that someone can just comment. You don't even know who it is half the time.'I think it is not okay, I just want to end it and make people feel good about themselves.' It's Jo. Jo's first time in the UK as she tours the world to meet and greet the millions of fans she has amassed. She is joined by her mother Jessalyn (second from right)Jo.
Jo also told presenters Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford that she refuses to let the bullies get under her skin by ignoring the negative comments and only focusing on the positive.'I don’t let the haters get their way,' she added. Jo. Jo, who was on the show supporting This Morning's own bullying campaign called Be Kind, released a single last year called Boomerang which tackles the issue of cyberbullying, and encourages her listeners to triumph over online bullies.
The teen - real name Joelle Joanie - also kick- started the fashion craze 'Jo. Jo bows', which has swept the nation as children scrambled to emulate the teen's signature look. She revealed that she has her own collection of bows totalling around 1,0. Jo. Jo's signature look has causes a craze to sweep the nation as youngsters scrambled to emulate the child star with 'Jo.
Jo Bows'And the entertainer, who has amassed millions of fans after she began sharing her her everyday life on her You. Tube channel 'Jo. Jo's World', says she would never change a thing about her celebrity lifestyle. She credits her followers, who have dubbed themselves the 'Siwanators', for her success and ability to travel round the world and meet them.'It’s the best lifestyle I can imagine and without my fans I wouldn’t be where I am today.'I wouldn't want to change it for the world.'This Morning airs weekdays on ITV at 1.