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April Kepner is an attending trauma surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital who was one of the. BibMe Free Bibliography & Citation Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Find news, interviews, reviews, photos, video and more from your favorite artists on MSN Music. Find the latest TV recaps, photos, videos and clips, news and more on MSN TV.

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April Kepner Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki. April Kepner. Born. April 2. 3, 1. 98. Columbus, Ohio. Alias. Virgin Mary. Shepherd's Flunky.

Apes. The Dud. Mary Poppins Red. Duckie. Dr. Mom. Little Miss. Kepner 2. 0. The Machine.

Keps. Dr. Not. Grey. Kepner the Reboot “. What pisses you off so much, that I chose to go after the thing that I needed to heal or that the thing I needed wasn't you? April Kepner. April Kepner is an attendingtrauma surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital who was one of the staff members who joined from Mercy West Medical Center after the merger. She was married to Jackson Avery, with whom she has a deceased son, Samuel, and a daughter, Harriet Kepner- Avery. She was asked to be interim head of general surgery while Meredith was suspended.

Early Life. Edit. Much of April's personal life was revealed while she was being held at gunpoint by Gary Clark.

She was forced to tell him personal details about herself in an attempt to prevent him from shooting her. She revealed that she was born on April 2. Columbus, Ohio and was raised on a corn farm in Moline, Ohio along with three sisters, a pet pony, and a pet duck. Her mother is a teacher, while her father stays home and tends to the farm. When April told her parents she wanted to become a doctor, they were "over the moon" about it. April has always been very focused on her studies, so other than medical school and various church- related events, she hasn't done much.

Hospital Merger and Firing. Edit. April was matched up with Lexie Grey on her first day at the newly- merged Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. Lexie at first was mean to her, but reconciled with her as she felt bad.[1] April was fired shortly after the merger after a mass hotel fire brought an overflow of patients into the ER. Her patient didn't need surgery, but because of a distraction in the ER, April forgot to check down her patient's airway, which was filled with soot. Her patient couldn't breathe and went into cardiac arrest after many hours thinking she was fine aside from some burns. The Chief interrogated all the doctors on duty and eventually fired April, as she was behind the death.[2]Rehiring and Crush on Derek.

Edit. When Derek Shepherd became Chief of Surgery, he rehired April, because he thought she deserved a second chance. April admired his abilities and knowledge in his field of work. She had a small work crush on him but nothing serious developed between them because of Derek's focus on his job and Meredith. For a while, she tended to do more administrative work than medicine, in fear of killing someone again. A push from Derek got her to do surgery again. Hospital Shooting and Aftermath. Edit. April lost her best friend, Reed Adamson, the first victim of the shooting.

She ran to Derek Shepherd's office and told him what happened. April was right in front of the shooter when he shot Derek, and she told him her life story, stating she hasn't lived yet, nobody had loved her, the shooter told her to run. She seemed to deal with Reed's loss alone after the shooting. April is of Christian faith and always prays for her patients before going into surgery.

Although elements of her Christianity are traditionally conservative, she is very open minded – as she is seen attending Callie and Arizona's wedding, and even dancing and taking pictures of the newlyweds during the reception. She has an extremely close relationship with God and remained a virgin a long time for this reason. April kept her relationship with God a secret from her fellow doctors because she feared they would see her as less of a surgeon because of it. However, when she lost her virginity to Jackson the night before her medical boards, she re- evaluated her faith and stopped caring what others thought about it. Failing the Boards. Watch Secret Past HIGH Quality Definitons.

Edit. Shortly after they got back to the hospital after taking their boards, the residents all checked to see if they passed. They all passed except April.[3] She shut down and all the hospitals that offered her a fellowship were now retracting their offers. Her last offer standing was Seattle Grace, but that was also rescinded, leaving her with no place left.[4] She ended up moving back to her parents' and working on their farm until Owen came to get her and take her back to the hospital.[5]Engagement to Matthew and Feelings for Jackson.

Edit. Jackson once again said she was getting married. Unless I'm not," she replied, still asking him to give her a reason not to. When Stephanie came in and started comforting Jackson, April left. While operating on a firefighter who got hurt due to the mudslide caused by the storm, Owen asked April if she said yes to Matthew, whom he helped to prepare the proposal. April said she did, and Owen approved of this, as all first responders are good guys.

While her patient's wife said goodbye to her deceased husband, April watched Jackson take his patient to surgery.[6]Jackson asked April to scrub in with him on a surgery as the interns weren't working due to Heather's death. Suddenly a crying Stephanie appeared and hugged Jackson. April's disappointed look was noticed by Matthew, who then went outside to head back out to the mudslide again. April joined him in the ambulance bay, where he told her that he understood that she wanted Jackson and that he didn't give her a chance to say no because he proposed in front of all these people. He said she wanted to say no. She didn't object to this, and he angrily got in his ambulance and drove off. She scrubbed in with Jackson and tried to talk to him during the surgery, but he snapped at her every time.

When they told the patient and her fiancé that her organs were failing and the powerful antibiotics may not work, the couple decided they wanted to get married immediately. As she and Jackson couldn't find any chaplain in the hospital, Jackson got certified online and officiated the wedding. His words touched April, and she tried to talk to him about the wedding afterwards. He snapped again, and she asked why he did. She apologized for having asked the question and said there was no need to beat a dead horse. He said that she didn't want him when he wanted her, and she only wanted him now because she was scared by the real relationship she was in. He told her to make up her mind about whether or not she wanted to make a life with Matthew or not.

None of this has to do with me. This is entirely about you," Jackson said, indicating he had no more interest in her. April did make up her mind and dragged Matthew to the hospital's chapel to accept his proposal in private, without pressure. She then proposed to him and clarified that she did have feelings for Jackson and that it got confusing sometimes.

She said she never thought that anybody would ever want her with her difficult personality, but that she really wanted him. I want to marry you.

So will you marry me?" she asked, after which he took her in his arms and kissed her.[7]Matthew proposes to April. A few days after having retaken her boards, April was still anxiously waiting to hear about the result. Jackson thought she would pass, and she joked that if she didn't, they'd know it wasn't his fault that she didn't pass the previous year.

Callie made her even more nervous with some snappy comments. After surgery, she started thinking that she really didn't pass and they just didn't inform her because it was the second time she failed. Suddenly she got a message, and too nervous to read it herself, she gave her phone to Jackson. He read that she passed, and she delightedly cheered.

They gave each other an awkward high five. Like you said, it's all you," Jackson said. This touched both of them, and they went their separate ways while thinking about what he said.[8]After finishing up in the ER, April dressed up for the gala. When she got at the party, Jackson begged her to go back to the hospital and grab cooling blankets to cool the champagne, and she obeyed. In the supply closet, April found a crying Arizona, but she pretended to be fine.