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Big Bang Theory: Behind- The- Scenes Pictures. The Big Bang Theory has, year after year, been one of the most popular television shows on TV. At its prime, it had over 2.

Throughout its long ten- season history, though, the show and cast have experienced ups and downs, many of which have all been captured through the lenses of cameras. This article will try to expose some of these photos.
The list will not only focus on embarrassing or controversial photos, but will also include pictures that directly contradict the characters that each actor plays on television. These photos are not so much embarrassing, but do distract from the character that each actor worked hard to build. It is harder for us to envision Melissa Rauch as Bernadette Rostenkowski after seeing Instagram pictures of her drunk in a bar or posing for sexy photo shoots. The same goes for the extremely personable pictures of Jim Parsons, who plays the antisocial Sheldon Cooper. Therefore, these “out- of- character photos” are trickled in amongst the controversial and slightly embarrassing ones in this list.
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so get ready for 2. The Big Bang Theory. Here are the 2. 0 Pictures The Cast Of The Big Bang Theory Doesn’t Want You To See. Jim Dressed in Drag. The cast of The Big Bang Theory makes it a point to give each other shout- outs on their birthday. This shout- out from Kaley Cuoco to Jim Parsons included an interesting picture.

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In the top right corner of this collage, you’ll notice Cuoco standing next to Jim Parsons dressed in drag. Apparently, the entire cast are fans of the classic movie Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Kunal Nayyar, and Johnny Galecki got together to dress up as some of the characters and perform “The Time Warp” in March 2.
As clear from the photo, Jim doned a wig, a red boa, and even fishnets to play Dr. Drank N. Furter. Although the performance was part of a noble charity event for the Alzheimer’s Association, the cruel internet has sometimes taken the photo out of context. For most of us, though, the picture just further emphasizes how awesome Jim Parsons really is. Mayim Beatboxing. Watch Hear `Em Rave Online Hitfix on this page. Many of us recognize Mayim Bialik in the middle image as the title character Blossom from her NBC show.
However, did you know that Bialik was also in a Mc. Donald’s commercial as a kid? The commercial, called Mouth Music, aired during the 1. Mc. Donalds. If you watch the video, the girl with the extremely high ponytail and striped shirt is little Bialik. Her character from the commercial is also pictured on the left of the image above. Didn’t know Amy Farrah Fowler could beatbox, did you? She’s not too shabby at it, either.
Bialik has come a long way from doing Mc. Donald’s ads to starring in one of the most popular shows on television. It’s actually hard to even recognize her in this video compared to her roles as Blossom and Amy. Johnny’s Sparkling Snapchat Photo. At the end of Coachella last year, Alex Ayers, a writing assistant for The Big Bang Theory, posted a hilarious picture of Johnny Galecki with the caption, “@sanctionedjohnnygalecki has seemed different since his weekend at Coachella.”The photo is taken using a Snapchat filter and therefore adds virtual rhinestones to Galecki’s eyes and a luscious pink shade to his lips.
Galecki’s pose also makes the photo golden. He took his glasses off, closed his eyes, and brought out the epic duckface lips to portray his version of a Coachella selfie.
Although the picture is entirely made through a Snapchat filter, the photo really makes you believe that he just walked out of Coachella and onto the set of The Big Bang Theory. Shine bright like a diamond, Galecki. Kunal as an Old Man, Baby, and Woman. Let’s face it – none of us want to see what we look like when we’re old and neither would Kunal Nayyar, the actor who plays Rajesh (Raj) Koothrappali. However, he was forced to see this transformation.
A couple months ago, Jim Parsons discovered Face. App and went on a hilarious rampage, posting transformations of his Big Bang Theory cast members.
One of the cast members he transformed was Kunal Nayyar. For Kunal’s birthday, Parsons posted a picture reminding him what he possibly looked like a child, what he will look like as an old man, and what he would look like if he were a woman. Poor Kunal…It’s okay though, because Parsons was nice enough to post the same transformation images of himself. Laugh at yourself before anyone else can, right? Kaley and Johnny’s Secret Romance. These pictures are included because of the great lengths that the couple went to hide their relationship. They definitely would not have wanted pictures like this to come out when they were secretly dating.
Like Leonard and Penny, the actors who play them also dated in real life. In 2. 01. 0, Kaley Cuoco told CBS Watch that she and Johnny had dated for almost two years but kept it a secret from the world and even their Big Bang Theory co- stars.
According to Cuoco and Johnny Galecki, they kept their relationship a secret because they were being protective of the show and didn’t want anything to distract from the on- screen story of Penny and Leonard. However, it was this secrecy that ultimately ended their relationship. On the topic of their breakup, Cuoco said “everyone was always asking and we deny- deny- denied … And I’m like, ‘why am I denying this person that I love?’”The couple are still extremely close and the pictures above were actually taken years after their breakup.
She’s not an ex, she’s a part of my life,” said Galecki to CBS Watch! Magazine. Their closeness, however, continues to circulate rumors that the two are still together. Johnny Won’t Pay for Laundry. We’ve all been there – either there’s no laundry room in the hotel, the machines are full, or it’s just downright expensive.
However, who would’ve thought that one of the cast members of The Big Bang Theory would have the same issue? Johnny Galecki earns about $9. Leonard Hofstadter. This makes him one of the highest paid television actors in Hollywood. However, even with all that money, Galecki will not stoop to the level of paying for hotel laundry. In January 2. 01.
Guess Galecki is just like the rest of us – too cheap to pay for hotel laundry when we have a perfectly good bathtub to wash our socks in. Kaley and Melissa Holding Their Golden Globes. At Golden Globes After Party in January 2. The Big Bang Theory was nominated at the 2. Golden Globes and was the favorite show to win Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. However, the cast were sadly beat out by Fox’s Brooklyn 9. This didn’t stop the cast from enjoying the event and partying on at the Golden Globes After Party, though.
The entire cast dressed to impress and seemed to have loads of fun. As evident from Kaley Cuoco’s Instagram description, they didn’t win a Golden Globe, but the girls still got to hold their Golden Globes for a picture. This photo is totally different from the character that Melissa Rauch plays in the television series. If only Bernadette’s father could see her now. She’s grown a lot from the corky Cheesecake Factory waitress from the television show. Pikachu Sitting in Sheldon’s Iconic Seat. Sheldon’s seat has become an iconic staple for many jokes throughout the series.
Any Big Bang Theory fan knows just how important the spot is to Sheldon, and how he doesn’t let anyone else sit in this chair. This all changed, though, when Pokemon Go was released. Move over Sheldon, there’s a new king on the throne. On August 2. 2nd 2.
Pikachu was spotted sitting in Sheldon’s chair. Jim Parsons, the actor who plays Sheldon, snapped an image of it and posted it on his Instagram profile. The description he attached with the post said, “you have GOT to be kidding…”– which many of us can imagine Sheldon saying. Parsons should have caught Pikachu before anyone else had a chance to noticed that his seat had been taken over. Jim Parsons Dancing at a Wedding.
Jim Parsons is the perfect actor to play the role of Sheldon.