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On- Screen Injuries That Were Actually Real. There is a long list of people who have gotten hurt– even killed– on movie sets that proves just how real it can be to create such elaborate fiction. While real- life injuries often come in the way you’d expect – during dangerous action sequences and stuntwork – there are plenty of people who have gotten hurt on movie sets doing tasks as unassuming as disassembling sets. As a matter of fact, of the many death- defying stunts that action star Jackie Chan has done in his career, the one that came the closest to killing him was actually a fairly simple jump from a wall to a tree branch that resulted in a piece of his skull going into his brain. When an actor suffers an injury during a scene, the typical course of action is for filming to immediately halt so that the actor can receive medical attention. However, there are times when an actor gets hurt during a scene and they decide to just stay in character and keep right on going with the performance, which can lead to interesting results that take a scene in an unplanned direction. Watch Puppy Online Iflix. In other cases, an actor’s on- screen injury does lead to immediate medical attention, but the injury itself didn’t disrupt the scene and it is able to be kept in the movie’s final cut.

Watch gothika 2003 free movie full online. After a car crash, a criminal psychologist (Halle Berry) comes to, only to find that she's a patient in the same. Released during career slumps for both of its stars, 2003’s Gothika was a forgettable psychological thriller starring Halle Berry and Robert Downey Jr. Movies. Lights, camera, action. This collection provides movie reviews, awards season guides, and roundups, plus articles about the history of the industry, how to. Contains synopsis, trailer, news, images, cast and crew. A Fetish World Clean Directory of High Quality Fetish Sites only - BDSM, Bondage, Feet, Pantyhose, BBW, Latex-PVC, Hairy, Pregnant and more. Your Fetishes are Here!

Here are 2. 0 On- Screen Injuries That Were Actually Real. Ben Affleck – Dazed and Confused. A lot of people like to take Ben Affleck to task for what they perceive as his lack of acting talent, but they clearly have no idea that the man once completely stayed in character despite badly twisting his ankle. In Dazed and Confused, one of Affleck’s first theatrical movie roles, he plays a bully named O’Bannion. In a pivotal scene, the teenagers he’d been tormenting for much of the movie finally take sweet revenge on him by dumping paint all over him. After he is unsuccessful at catching them before they flee, O’Bannion throws a frustrated tantrum that resulted in Affleck very visibly twisting his ankle. The actor didn’t break character, and instead just limped over to and got in his car.

It isn’t the most severe injury that can happen to a person, but the fact that Affleck didn’t immediately put a stop to the scene is definitely commendable. Steve Carell – The 4.

Year- Old Virgin. Many of the women reading this list are rolling their eyes right now at the implication that being waxed constitutes an “injury” that an actor should be praised for enduring. Still, waxing sessions don’t tend to be captured on film for millions of people to see, and they don’t normally involve the removal of quite as much hair as is on Steve Carell’s chest. Not only was the waxing scene in The 4. Year- Old Virgin completely real, but so were all of Carell’s reactions– down to his iconic shout of “Kelly Clarkson!”Even while having a sweater’s worth of hair yanked off his chest, Carell’s gift for hilarious ad- libbing was in full effect, and he didn’t waste any of the pain he had to endure with anything less than an A- level take. Linda Hamilton and Ken Gibbel – Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Linda Hamilton began to shy away from being a big action star following her excellent turn as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and when you find out what she had to endure for that movie, it’s not hard to see why.

Not only did she suffer permanent hearing loss in the scene where Arnold Schwarzenegger fires a gun in an elevator, but she also injured her knees from having to repeatedly fall after being struck by Ken Gibbel’s character. Why did she have to fall so many times? Because Gibbel kept botching the take and everyone had to keep doing the scene over again. After awhile, Gibbel’s failure to nail the take really started to frustrate Hamilton– and both Hamilton’s character and the actress herself ended up getting their revenge. When Sarah Connor is escaping from the hospital, she attacks Douglas (Ken Gibbel) with a broken broom handle. After the frustration of having to do the falling scene so many times, Hamilton was so angry with Gibbel that she didn’t hold back, and those brutal hits she delivers to him from the broomstick are 1. James Franco – Pineapple Express.

Whether it’s a complex arthouse film or a goofy stoner comedy, James Franco is known to be an actor who gives his all to his performances– except when he co- hosts the Academy Awards, that is. In the 2. 00. 8 action comedy Pineapple Express, Franco’s character Saul Silver has to run head- first into a tree. While there are a number of ways to fake such a moment of physical comedy, Franco decided to take his method acting to the extreme and really run into the tree at full force in order to make it as believable as possible. The result was a gash on his head that required stitches. Because of a head wound that was going to take weeks to heal, it was decided that Saul would just wear a headband all the time, which was able to hide the injury so filming could go on rather than waiting for it to fully heal first. It’s easy to tell which scenes were filmed before and which were filmed after the injury based on whether Franco is wearing the headband or not. Halle Berry – Gothika.

Released during career slumps for both of its stars, 2. Gothika was a forgettable psychological thriller starring Halle Berry and Robert Downey Jr. It was the first attempt at an American film for director Mathieu Kassovitz, who immediately went back to French and European filmmaking after he finished Gothika.

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Everyone involved in the movie would probably be more than content to forget it ever happened. However, Berry likely hasn’t been able to put the movie completely out of her mind, as she ended up breaking her arm during filming. In a scene where Downey is restraining her, he accidentally held her down a little too hard and it caused her arm to break. Downey said he actually heard the pop.

By everyone’s account, Downey wasn’t doing anything reckless, and it was basically a freak accident. While the scene ended shortly after anyway, Berry and Downey both remained in character just long enough to save the take so it could be used in the film. Ellen Burstyn – The Exorcist. The Exorcist is a classic horror movie that has some of the most cringe- inducing scenes in Hollywood history. However, one of the toughest to watch is one that doesn’t involve spinning heads or reverse spider walks– especially if you know the story behind it. When Ellen Burstyn’s character is pushed to the ground by her possessed daughter, the way she hits the ground looks absolutely brutal. In order to achieve that effect, a wire was attached to Burstyn that a crew member was using to yank her onto the floor.

After doing it once, director William Friedkin immediately called for a second take. Burstyn protested, complaining that she was pulled too hard the first time. Friedkin told her that it had to look real, but Burstyn insisted that she could really hurt herself. According to Burstyn, Friedkin told the man pulling the wire to take it easy, but she believes that the director somehow communicated to the crew member to still go full force anyway, as the pulling seemed to remain just as forceful after that. On the final pull, Burstyn did end up permanently injuring her back, which was the take used in the movie.

Malcolm Mc. Dowell – A Clockwork Orange. The image most associated with Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange is that of actor Malcolm Mc. Dowell having his eyes forced open by metal hooks. It’s a shot that would’ve been incredibly difficult to fake, so it wasn’t– there were actually hooks placed under Mc. Dowell’s eyelids and lower eye, and it was every bit as dangerous as it looked. Not only did Mc. Dowell suffer permanent scarring from filming the scene, but in the first attempt at setting up the shot, his eyeball was sliced and he almost lost his vision.

Kubrick wasn’t one to let nearly blinding his actors get in the way of his creative vision, so for the second attempt, an eye doctor was brought in to help ensure that everything went as safely as possible.

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