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Best Father's Day Movies. Father's Day is a good time to relax with some fatherly films.

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Perhaps you're looking for a father- daughter comedy, a heartbreaking art film, or classic dad- bait action thriller? Watch Stevie Hindi Full Movie. Or maybe you've got a dad who's looking to get a kick out of a so- bad- it's- good flick.

Whatever Pops is in the mood for, we've got you covered. Here are 2. 5 movies to watch on Father's Day, with a little something for every kind of dad—the bad dad, the sad dad, and best of all, the rad dad. Father of the Bride (1. In this father- daughter classic (and remake of Vincent Minnelli's original from 1. Steve Martin gets the age- old case of fatherly envy when his one and only daughter finds a guy she likes spending time with more than him—her fiancé! Daddy's little girl is all grown up, which makes Martin's George Banks a little cuckoo. It's endearing and hilarious to watch Martin go through wedding panic and have a full breakdown at a grocery store while tearing through bags of hot dogs and hot dog buns.

Another comedic delight here is Martin Short, playing a European wedding planner who pronounces cake like "cock."Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1.

All Indiana Jones movies are arguably dad movies, but The Last Crusade is the dad- est of them all, as it features Harrison Ford as our favorite archaeologist working side by side with his father, Professor Henry Jones, played by the equally iconic Sean Connery. There's some good ol' father- son rivalry as they end up sleeping with the same woman (yikes), but it's nothing they can't set aside to fight the big bad guys (Nazis, in this case). There's an Indiana Jones 5 coming out in 2.

Ford almost 2. 0 years older than Connery when he played Jones' dad. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Mission: Impossible (1. There's nothing really dad about this movie except that dads seem to love it—at least, mine does. Every new Mission: Impossible movie is dad bait to get him to go to the movies with you, but nothing quite beats the first installment, directed by Brian De Palma. It's never not thrilling watching Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt infiltrate the CIA, hanging by rope, just one sweat drop away from blowing the entire thing. Watch Holy Rollers Online Ibtimes.

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Or heck, watching a helicopter chase a train inside a goddamn tunnel. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The Tree of Life (2. Perhaps this is for the dad who gets late- career Terrence Malick, but I'm sure even a Malick rookie can be persuaded by the fact that Roger Ebert declared this one of the ten greatest films ever made. Ever. While some parts of the movie look like Windows desktop images (the whole Big Bang sequence), The Tree of Life is, at the end of the day, about something far more intimate: family, specifically the relationship between father and son. Brad Pitt and Sean Penn star—though the former is the father (in flashback). This may not be your typical "good dad" movie, but it's a poetic depiction of the complexities in their relationship and how father and son mirror each other. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Heat (1. 99. 5)Gotta include Heat on this list as it is, according to my own father, "the greatest movie ever made." First of all, the cast: Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. The two finally share screen time after a missed opportunity in The Godfather, Part 2, in which they shared a bill but never actually appeared in the same scene.

In Michael Mann's Heat, Pacino, the cop, and De Niro, the crook, face off in an epic, nearly three hour long crime drama, which includes unforgettable lines ("She's got a GREAT ASS!") and an even more unforgettable shoot- out. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

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Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Morris From America (2. In this endearing coming- of- age story, first- time actor Markees Christmas plays title character Morris, a 1.

New York living in Germany—adding a whole new challenge to the notion of growing up and fitting in. While all his classmates love dance music, Morris fancies himself a rapper, writing in- his- dreams rhymes like "fuckin' all the bitches, two at a time" and humping his pillow for practice during his awkward puberty phase.

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He gets relentlessly made fun of by his dad, played by Craig Robinson, who, between polar opposite appearances on The Office and Mr. Robot, finds the perfect balance of drama and comedy in this Chad Hartigan indie. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The Royal Tenenbaums (2. Gene Hackman beguiles us all as a trickster dad who uses the guise of terminal illness to bring his weirdo family members back together under one roof again. Luke Wilson, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ben Stiller play the Tenenbaum kids, who all possess quirks that can only be described as extremely Wes Anderson.

Also extremely Wes Anderson are the supporting players (Anjelica Huston, Bill Murray, Danny Glover, Owen Wilson) and the killer soundtrack, which has Paltrow's Margot Tenenbaum getting off the bus in her iconic fur coat to Nico's "These Days." The Royal Tenenbaums is not just Wes Anderson's greatest achievement, but whimsical family dramedy at its best. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Bicycle Thieves (1. If you're not already watching this Vittorio De Sica classic because of Master of None, it's a good one to save for Father's Day. Bicycle Thieves is not only a central film for the Italian neo- realism genre, it's a heartfelt tearjerker that follows father and son on the streets of Rome, as they look for the stolen bicycle that their livelihood depends on. The father, Antonio (Lamberto Maggiorani), stoops to thievery himself in desperate times in this portrait of impoverished post- war life.

Watch with your own papa, but if the tears come, don't say I didn't warn you. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Kramer vs. Kramer (1. Watch Monkeys, Go Home! HDQ. Okay, maybe don't watch this one with mom in the room.

Robert Benton's Kramer vs. Kramer has become a somewhat contentious movie since its 1. Dustin Hoffman (one of the titular Kramers) initially starts off as a reluctant dad but finds fatherhood worth fighting for in a custody battle with the other Kramer, played by Meryl Streep.

Hoffman and Streep are all- timers, but the kid (Justin Henry) is pretty damn good too, and earned himself an Oscar nomination at the tender age of eight. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Taken (2. 00. 8)If you had to choose a movie dad to save you from trouble, you probably couldn't do better than Taken's Liam Neeson, a retired government agent who must tap back into his "very particular set of skills" to track down and rescue his daughter (Maggie Grace), who's been abducted and auctioned off into a sex trafficking ring during her Parisian vacation.

Taken is the pinnacle of Neeson's rebranding as an older action star, and the manner in which he kicks ass (remember that electrocution scene?) makes him the baddest dad in town. And why not make it a marathon with Taken 2 and 3?

Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. The Lion King (1.

There are so many Disney movies in which a mother is the key parental figure, but this jungle- set Hamlet adaptation is a heart- wrencher for the tragic loss of Simba's father, Mufasa. It is impossible to watch the stampede scene without fully sobbing—a great Father's Day activity if you ask me. But it won't be a downer all the way through: Hakuna Matata will get you through. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.