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List of Nostalgia Critic episodes. Watch The Banshee Chapter Online Metacritic here. Nostalgia Critic is a web review series hosted by actor/comedian Doug Walker. The series began in July 2. You. Tube, but after the website removed several episodes due to alleged copyright violations, the series was moved in April 2.

Walker's own humor website, That Guy with the Glasses, where it was hosted until late 2. Channel. Awesome. Most episodes center on comedic bashings of movies and serials that Walker finds to be poorly written, badly acted, and typically panned by critics—particularly Siskel and Ebert, whom Doug openly acknowledges as his favorite critics. Not all of his reviews are negative, as he sometimes finds positive aspects and even praises some films and TV shows (sometimes for their hamminess/bad production).
IZOMBiE: iZOMBiE is an American television series developed by Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright for The CW. It's a loose adaptation of the comic book series of.
- I’ll be playing Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, which we started today on Kotaku’s Facebook page. (Spoilers: guys get mad when you jump on them.
- The housing crisis has hit a whole lot of people in places they didn't know they could get hurt -- home, mostly. Homelessness is a substantial problem in a lot of.
The series also features several "Top 1. Countdown" segments, which Doug does as opposed to the traditional "Top 1. Like(s) to go one step beyond", as well as a series of "Old vs. New" segments, where The Critic compares iconic films like Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, True Grit, Batman, The Karate Kid, King Kong, Spider- Man, Cinderella and The Evil Dead with their respective modern- day reboots/remakes and levies to discover which is the better film. Series overview[edit]2. Other productions[edit]Nostalgia Critic Specials[edit]Nostalgia Critic Specials are anything related to the Nostalgia Critic which isn't a review, an editorial, or a countdown.
Every Best of That. Guy. With. The. Glasses DVD special include an exclusive review made for the release. After the end of To Boldly Flee, these episodes were released on TGWTG. The reviews of Paranoia, Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie and The Uncanny Valley were added to Channel Awesome's You.
Tube channel in February 2. DVDFilm. Review. Volume One. Watch Blackjack: Dead Memory Online Free 2016. Turkish Rambo. The Critic reviews Rampage (1. He criticizes the excessive driving scenes, poor quality of the film, bad lip- syncing, and the actors habit of staring into the camera. In the end, he admits that while the film is "pure crap", it is enjoyable.
Some movie scenes are so shocking that you immediately want to pause in order to see what's going on. These are the most pause-worthy moments.
Volume Two. Reefer Madness. The Critic reviews Reefer Madness (1. While he agrees that drugs are not a good thing or something to be promoted, he heavily criticizes the film for grossly exaggerating the effects of cannabis and making it seem like the worst thing in the world, even compared to alcohol, which is legal, and narcotics like heroin. He also criticizes the characters for being very bland to the point that he accuses them of actually being puppets, and far too innocent for their age group.
He does recommend the film nonetheless, as it is "a lot of fun" for its ridiculousness. In the end, Chester A. Bum shows up to announce to the Critic that the film has inspired him to quit smoking marijuana; however, this proves to be a double- headed snake, as Chester decides to rely on "good old fashion crack" instead.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably. Please consider splitting content into sub-articles, condensing it, or adding or removing subheadings. You can watch movies online for free and in English. Summary, cast and crew list, reviews, quotes, and trivia. Watch Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (1998) Full Movie - KissCartoon. Watch and Dowload Cartoons for Kids on Kiss Cartoon.
Channel Awesome Tag: Kenneth Craig as Bill Harper: "Gosh, hot chocolate!"The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure. The Critic reviews the video game The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure. He ultimately criticizes the loose controls, little relation to the film, slippery surfaces, and a flying snake that is near impossible to control. In the end, he throws the game outside and shoots at it.
Chester A. Bum finds the game and plays it before throwing the game away also, only for the game to again be found by someone else, Dominic from Video Game Confessions. Volume Three. Doomsday Machine.
The Critic reviews Doomsday Machine (1. He mainly criticizes its overuse of stock footage, racism and sexism towards women. Special criticism is reserved for the ending, which consists majorly of one shot of two men trying to fix a computer, a shot that lasts for approximately eight minutes. In the end, while he admits the film is very bad, it is laughably bad and enjoyable. Channel Awesome Tag: Bobby Van as Danny: "Don't you miss being a woman?"The Making of a Nostalgia Critic Review.
Doug Walker documents what goes into making a Nostalgia Critic episode, using Doomsday Machine as the prime target. Nostalgia Critic: Reloaded. Kickassia, Suburban Knights and To Boldly Flee.
The Critic, still in the Plothole (following the events of To Boldly Flee) and not recognizing himself, reviews the three That Guy with the Glasses anniversary films. Volume Four. Paranoia.
The Critic, sick of reviewing old, lesser known films for the DVDs, reviews Brad Jones' Paranoia (2. While he criticizes some plotholes, a sometimes confusing story, Jones' character's constant use of the word, "What", and unnecessary scenes, he admits the film does well in creating the mood it is going for. Channel Awesome Tag: Brad Jones as Mark Bishop: "What?"The Uncanny Valley. The Uncanny Valley. The Critic reviews the 5th Year anniversary birthday Movie of Channel Awesome. He says he hates it, because he is not in it. Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Blu- Ray.
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie. The Critic reluctantly reviews his rival's, The Angry Video Game Nerd, movie as a bonus feature for the Blu- ray release. Channel Awesome Tag: James Rolfe as the Angry Video Game Nerd: "Did you see that?"The Awesoming. The Cinema Snob Movie. The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie which details the origins of The Cinema Snob.
The Review Must Go On. The Nostalgia Critic reviews the Demo Reel finale that began a new series of Nostalgia Critic reviews. The Nostalgia Critic's Old Home Movies. Black Willy Wonka (Malcolm Ray) uses his magic to trick the Nostalgia Critic into reviewing his own home movies from when he was a kid.
The Origin of Santa Christ. Santa Christ (Rob Walker) reads the audience a storybook version of his origin story, involving football, pancakes, and much more in this confusing parody of the Santa Claus origin movies. Recreation of the Lost Face Off Review. Using Doug Walker's father as a fill in for Rachel, the original script for the Face/Off Review is acted out to show the original plan for Rachel's departure and Tamara's introduction. Night of the Living Dead. The Nostalgia Critic reviews the classic zombie film Night of the Living Dead (1.
Nostalgia Critic Editorial[edit]Beginning in 2. Nostalgia Critic Editorials are short episodes that analyze a topic that may span multiple films or other works. They usually air during the weeks between reviews.
Starting on July 2. Doug's Countdown Specials[edit]Doug occasionally posts videos where he comments on The Nostalgia Critic out- of- character, discussing which movies he will never review, which episodes are his favorites, and which of the films he has reviewed are the worst. Cancelled or postponed episodes[edit]The "Nickelodeon Month" in January 2.
Nickelodeon game shows, but as the Critic states on the SNICK episode, he could not find quality footage from programs other than the already reviewed Double Dare. The episode was replaced by Good Burger. The Critic originally meant to end January 2. Schwarzenegger Month" with a review of The 6th Day. However, for reasons unknown, he changed it to End of Days.
He would eventually review The 6th Day with That Sci- Fi Guy on his show. A review of Newsies was replaced with Rocky IV since the Nostalgia Chick expressed interest in reviewing it.[1. However, Doug later reviewed it (as himself) on January 2.
Old Yeller and High School Musical 3: Senior Year, since he did not review it or the latter two during Disneycember.[1. An Old vs. New of The Prince of Egypt vs. The Ten Commandments was planned, but postponed and replaced with The Top 1. Scariest Performances, since Doug decided to spend the entire month of October reviewing horror movies. The Old vs. New aired the following month on November 1.
An Old vs. New of War of the Worlds was planned,[1. Critic explains in "Next Top 1. Nostalgia Critic Fuck- ups", he found both the 1. A review of Drop Zone was replaced by Ernest Scared Stupid because the Critic decided to spend the whole month of October 2. Doug has stated in his "Top 1.
Movies That I Hate But Everybody Else Loves" that he intended to do a review of Matilda (1.