The Fox And The Hound 2 Full Movie Part 1

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The Fox And The Hound 2 Full Movie Part 1

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Bernard Fox, Actor: Titanic. Endearing, bushy-whiskered Welsh character actor whose screen repertoire seemed to consist for the better part of variations on a similar. How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory. The onetime Nixon operative has created the most profitable propaganda machine in history. Inside America's Unfair. (1) You don’t personally have to boycott everybody on the list, but when you have a choice, if you care, you chose a different product. Overall, I believe that’s. These are the top 25 Dog movies that will make you laugh, jump, and cry as you watch along with your own best pet friend. Gray Fox, real name Frank Jaeger, was a mercenary and former agent of U.S. Special Forces Unit. LATEST HEADLINES. Universal Lands ‘Paper Bag Princess’ From Elizabeth Banks, Margot Robbie 2 hours ago; CBS ‘Looking Into’ Jeremy Piven Sexual Assault Accusations.

Fox hunting is an activity involving the tracking, chase and, if caught, the killing of a fox, traditionally a red fox, by trained foxhounds or other scent hounds. Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces! Check out our breaking stories on Hollywood?s hottest stars!

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URL=%2. Fwccs%2. Fbrand_forms%2. Fus%2. Fwebform. jsp& promotion=null& category=UDr. Blaines *Blaine Labs. Lockport Place. Santa Fe Springs, CA 9.

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East Coast: P. O. Box 3. 30. 30. St. Petersburg, FL 3. Free. Enterprise. America. com *http: //www. American- Free- Enterprise/1. Garlique. Chattem, Inc.

W 3. 8th St,Chattanooga, TN 3. P. O. Box 2. 21. 9Chattanooga, TN 3.

General Motors. Chairman: Edward E. Ed) Whitacre Jr. President, CEO, and Director: Frederick A. Fritz) Henderson. EVP and CFO: Ray G. Young. 30. 0 Renaissance Center.

Detroit, MI 4. 82. Contact Media Relations at 8. MI Tel. 3. 13- 5. GMC P. O. BOX 3. 31.

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Health. Mart Pharmacy One Post Street. San Francisco, CA 9. Healthy Choice (Conagra Foods)Corporate Headquarters. Con. Agra Foods Inc. One Con. Agra Drive. Hefty Bags. Pactiv Corporation.

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WT. svl=1. 00. Hula Networks. East Middlefield Rd. Mountain View, CA 9. Hummer. General Motors Corporation.

The Fox and the Hound Disney Wiki. The Fox and the Hound. Written by. Larry Clemmons. Ted Berman. David Michener.

Peter Young. Burny Mattinson. Steve Hulett. Earl Kress. Vance Gerry. Editor(s)James Melton. Jim Koford. The Fox and the Hound is a 1. American animated feature film loosely based on the Daniel P. Mannixnovel of the same name, produced by Walt Disney Productions and released in the United States on July 1. Disney Animated Canon.

The film tells the story of two unlikely friends, a red fox named Tod and a hound dog named Copper, who struggle to preserve their friendship despite their emerging instincts and the surrounding social pressures demanding them to be adversaries. In the film, the film's protagonists, Tod and Copper, meet when young and become friends. They play together all summer long, however, as they grow up, they become enemies because real hounds hunt foxes for food. The film has been directed by Ted Berman and Richard Rich, who would later form Crest Animation Productions to create his first independent animated feature The Swan Princess, under the working title Tod and Copper. Daniel Mannix's original novel has had a more realistic story, which has dealt with the quest of a hunter and his dog Copper to shoot Tod after he has killed the hunter's new dog Chief.

The novel has been mainly about Tod's life in the woods. While being raised by humans he has not been childhood friends with Copper and none of the animals spoke. The story has been changed to make it more suitable for a family film; instead of a story about the life and death of a fox, it has become a parable about how society determines our roles despite our better impulses.

At the time of release it has been the most expensive animated film produced to date, costing $1. The Fox and the Hound has been the last film which was worked on with animation legends like Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, two members of Walt Disney's original "Nine Old Men" who has also worked on this film, with it being the last film for both, as well as the first film for future Disney leaders like Tim Burton (The Nightmare Before Christmas), Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Ratatouille) and Glen Keane, who has animated the bear in this film, and later worked on other animated films like The Little Mermaid (1.

Beauty and the Beast (1. It was also the final Disney film to have all the credits in the title sequence as opposed to having end credits and have the words, "The End. A Walt Disney Production" at the end of the film, the last Disney animated film to use the Buena Vista logo, and the last Disney film in which Don Bluth has involved in its production. Despite originally receiving mixed reviews, the film has developed a low cult following and was nominated for three awards. The film stars the voices of Kurt Russell, Mickey Rooney, Pearl Bailey, Pat Buttram, Sandy Duncan, Richard Bakalyan, Paul Winchell, Jack Albertson, Jeanette Nolan, John Fiedler, John Mc.

Intire, Keith Mitchell and Corey Feldman. A direct- to- video midquel, The Fox and the Hound 2, has been released to DVD on December 1. Plot. Title Card for The Fox and the Hound. The story begins with a mother fox, with fear in her eyes, and a child in her mouth, running all throughout a forest, passing over a mountain, until she reaches a farm. There she hides her baby next to a fence, quietly says goodbye and runs away.

She is shot, and we hear gunshots twice. An owl named Big Mama (voiced by Pearl Bailey), along with her two bird friends, a sparrow named Dinky (Richard Bakalyan) and a woodpecker named Boomer (Paul Winchell), arrange for him to be adopted by the kindly local farmer widow named Widow Tweed (Jeanette Nolan). She names him Tod (Keith Coogan) since he reminds her of a toddler. Meanwhile, Widow's neighbor, Amos Slade (Jack Albertson), a hunter, brings home a young hound puppy named Copper (Corey Feldman) and introduces him to his hunting dog Chief (Pat Buttram).

Big Mama is delighted to see Tod and Copper become playmates, singing the song "Best of Friends". Tod and Copper play together every day for the next three days, vowing to remain "friends forever." Amos grows frustrated at Copper for constantly wandering off to play, and places him on a leash to prevent him from wandering off. While playing with Copper at his home, Tod awakens Chief. Amos and Chief chase him until they are stopped by Widow.

After he and Widow have an argument, Amos threatens that he will kill Tod if he catches him on his property again and that he won't miss the next time. As the hunting season comes, Amos takes his two dogs into the wilderness for the interim. Meanwhile, Big Mama explains to Tod that his friendship with Copper cannot continue with the song "Lack of Education", as they are natural enemies, but is told by Tod that he refuses to believe Big Mama. As months pass, Tod and Copper reach adulthood.

On the night of Copper's return, Tod (Mickey Rooney) sneaks over to meet Copper (Kurt Russell) and asks if they are still friends. Copper explains that those days are over, and since he is a hunting dog now, he says that things are now going to be different between them, because if Chief wakes up, Tod and Copper will both be in danger.

Chief awakens and alerts Amos Slade, and as a chase ensues, Copper catches Tod, but decides to let Tod go, then diverts Chief and Amos since he did not want them to kill Tod, who creeps out a woodpile, and runs across a high railroad bridge for home, but bumps into Chief, who is blocking his path there. Tod turns back with Chief making his pursuit onto a railroad track on the railroad bridge, but when Tod sees a fast moving train, that suddenly approaches, bears down on him, and traps him, Tod, being small enough, is able to duck safely under the vehicle, only to leave Chief to be struck by the train and wounded while suffering a broken leg as he tumbles down a steep cliff helplessly into the river below. Infuriated by all this, Copper and Amos blame Tod for poor Chief's accident and swear vengeance to get him if it's the last thing they do. To make matters worse, Amos angrily tells Widow about getting Tod, who almost killed Chief, and that he plans to get the fox. Now Widow realizes that her pet is no longer safe with her, so she takes him on a drive through the woods, singing the song "Goodbye May Seem Forever", and leaves him at a game preserve.

Tod's first night alone in the woods is a disaster, accidentally trespassing into a badger's den; the badger (John Mc. Intire) somewhat meanly tells him to go away. A friendly porcupine (John Fiedler) offers to let him stay with him.

That same night, Amos Slade and Copper plan revenge on Tod, by showing a demonstration of Tod stepping into trap. The next morning, Big Mama comes looking for Tod, and finds Vixey (Sandy Duncan), a beautiful female fox of Tod's age, who is clearly good friends with Big Mama.

Tod wakes up after being pricked by the porcupine's quills, falls, and lands right on the badger's den. The badger scolds Tod once again. Tod tries to apologize, but is interrupted when the badger thinks Tod is making up excuses. The porcupine tries to defend Tod, (with the badger saying to him "you keep out of this, you walking pincushion!"). The porcupine points out that the badger shouldn't be grumpy to a newcomer, to which the badger responds by telling Tod to "go back where you came from". Tod leaves, now more depressed than ever. Big Mama and Vixey arrive.

As Vixey remarks that he looks downhearted, Big Mama tells her that "he was dropped out here all alone without a friend in the world". As Vixey decides to try to cheer him up, Big Mama thinks the idea is perfect. Big Mama sets Vixey into the sunlight, just so that she will look as beautiful as possible, and introduces Tod to her. Tod first tries to impress Vixey by catching a fish, only to fail, causing Vixey and the other animals of the game preserve to laugh at him.