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African Lion vs Siberian Tiger Fight Comparison Loading .. Compare African Lion Vs Siberian Tiger, African Lion is the second largest living felid or cat after Tiger (Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger) which can weigh up to 1. It is the tallest cat in the family felidae with the shoulder height of 3 ft 8 inch, unlike tigers the male lions have the mane which makes them unique from lioness and because of that mane they are known as the king of jungle. Siberian Tiger or Amur Tiger is the largest extant cat species ever exists on earth with the head & body length of 7 ft 4 inch and can weigh up to 3.
It is the second tallest cat in felidae family just after the African lion with the shoulder height of 3 ft 3 inch. If the male lion have the mane which makes him the king then the tiger has the marking of 王, a Chinese character on his forehead which means King. Journey To The Center Of The Earth Online Putlocker.
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Now the question arises who is the real king of jungle whether it is African Lion or Tiger (Siberian and Bengal Tiger)? As the article progresses you will able to know who is the real king? African Lion Vs Siberian Tiger Comparison. African lion found in Africa continent only especially in sub- Saharan Africa where they prey on wildebeest, zebra, wild pigs, deer, antelopes and other small and large size animals like wild buffaloes etc. African lion is an apex predator and they hunt in group called pride and female mostly hunts the prey. On the other hand Siberian tiger found in Russia especially in Siberia only, it is the solitary hunter which hunts alone and prey on musk deer, stag, goral, wild pigs and ox etc. Siberia which makes him the most fiercer land animal on earth.
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Like lion they are also the apex predator and are on top of the food chain in the wild. Now let’s compare both cats’ physical measures, behavior, habitat and facts in given below table on compare African Lion Vs Siberian Tiger. African Lion Vs Siberian Tiger Comparison. Head to Head Fight: In history both animals have been involved in fight many times and each time tiger has the dominance over lion. If you don’t believe then read the below given facts why Siberian tiger has the dominance over big African lion and even Bengal tiger who is just slightly smaller than Siberian tiger is capable of killing the African lion because in recent Bengal tiger has killed the African lion in Turkey zoo.
Why Tiger is dominant? Tiger has strong muscular body than African lion. Tiger have bigger canine teeth than African lion.

- African Lion vs Siberian Tiger is the red hot topic on animal fight, to know who is going to win the fight then read the article on compare African Lion vs Siberian.
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- Eldritch Abominations in Literature. The Great Old Ones (most famously Cthulhu) in the writings of H.P. Lovecraft (and the Mythos they spawned) are the.
- The Only a Flesh Wound trope as used in popular culture. On television, as well as in movies, there seems to be this general idea that if someone is shot in.
Tiger have powerful forelimbs and paws than African Lion. Unlike other cats tigers are very good swimmers which helps them to fight or hunt even in water also.
African lion have bigger skull than Siberian tiger but tiger have bigger cranial volume than African lion means they have bigger brain which makes them far intelligent and clever than lion. Tiger have stronger hind legs through which he can stand and can maul simultaneously with both paws where African lion needs one paw and both hind legs to stand. Watch The Kid With A Bike Youtube. Lion can also stand on hind legs but for a few seconds only because they have weaker hind legs. Tiger is a solitary hunter and lives in more dangerous habitat than African lion where he has to travel a lot for prey which makes him the true king.
Final Verdict: According to experts of cat species, Siberian Tiger will always win in every fight whatever the condition is.