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Horrifying CCTV shows tram smash into woman distracted by her mobile phone. A woman has tragically lost her leg after she walked into the path of a tram while using her mobile phone. CCTV footage of the life- changing moment has been shared online as an urgent reminder to pedestrians to put their mobiles away on busy public roads. The 4. 0- year- old was absorbed by her electronic device when she stepped out in front of the yellow tram at a pedestrian crossing in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city. She did not look either left or right and was instantly dragged to the ground.

The driver immediately applied the brakes – but it was too late. There was no time to stop the tram as it crushed the pedestrian, dragging her along the track in a wince- inducing scene. Eventually, the driver brought the carriages to a halt but only after a brutal few seconds of steel crushing flesh. Watch Jumping The Broom Online. The woman was lucky to escape with her life. But she paid a hefty price for her mobile phone use – her right leg. She was rushed to hospital for surgery with little or no hope of the limb being reattached. According to local reports, she had ignored the lights at the crossing.

The CCTV footage clearly shows her walking past another pedestrian waiting patiently by the side of the track. Pedestrians around the world have been urged not to use their phones when crossing tram lines or busy highways. A woman distracted by her mobile phone has lost her right leg in a tram accident in Kharkiv. IBTimes. UKIn the UK, almost 7. AA poll of over 2. We can't stop the march of technology but we need to halt the pedestrian, cycle and driver zombies," said Edmund King OBE, the AA president."Whether on two feet, two wheels or four, too many people are suffering from Smartphone Oblivion."When on the move our brains have much to take in and using technological gadgets means that we can't always concentrate on so many things at once."This is when we walk into traffic; don't hear the truck or drive cocooned from the outside world."Our research suggests this problem is growing so we all need to use common sense to ensure that technological cocooning doesn't endanger our lives or the lives of others.".

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WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: The 40-year-old stepped in front of a tram in Kharkiv, Kiev.