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Watch The Walking Dead Online - Full Episodes - All Seasons'Walking Dead' Ratings Continue to Plummet. The ratings for last week's season premiere of The Walking Dead were not good by the series' first- episode- of- the- season standards, but the numbers weren't bad overall. This week, however, the season's second episode put up numbers that have to be worrisome for the show's producers and its network. The episode's 8. 9 million total viewers were the smallest audience for the series since March of 2. That was the middle of season two, before the series became a breakout hit and, eventually, the biggest show on TV.

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Back then it was just another moderately talked- about cable series, and that may be what TWD is once again. Now its only bragging rights lie in the fact that it's still the biggest scripted cable series on Sunday night. Via TV By The Numbers. The Walking Dead” put up ratings on Sunday that were the show’s lowest since the late stages of its second season more than five years ago. The show was still Sunday’s biggest draw on cable by a long shot, but its 4. March 1. 1, 2. 01. Season 2. “TWD’s” 8.

Season 2 finale. Other cable series took a hit Sunday as well, perhaps in part due to a highly rated World Series game on FOX. Keeping Up with the Kardashians” (0. Outlander” (0. 3, 1. Curb Your Enthusiasm” (0. The Deuce” (0. 2, 7. Get the rest of the story at TV By The Numbers. Are you still watching The Walking Dead?

The L Word is an American/Canadian co-production television drama series portraying the lives of a group of lesbians and their friends, connections, family, and.

Tell us why in the comment section below. Bad News for 'Walking Dead' in Premiere Ratings.

It's clear now that the days when The Walking Dead was the biggest thing on TV are over. Ratings for the series' season 8 premiere this week were in line with last season's average viewership, but that's not good news.

Lonzo Ball, Josh Jackson and De'Aaron Fox will make the Pacific Division a must-see Vegas Summer League attraction. Who else should be on fans' radars?

TWD has always seen much higher than average ratings for season premiere episodes, and this season's premiere ratings dipped by more than 4. Worse, this week's ratings were the lowest for any season premiere episode since season 3 in 2. If the series' season- long ratings pattern remains the way it's been all along, that could mean TWD might hit ratings levels later in season 8 that are in line with those of season 2 episodes. That would be a very bad thing. Via The Hollywood Reporter. Basic cable's crown jewel, The Walking Dead, premiered its eighth season on Sunday night. And while it's ratings heyday is now behind it, the zombie drama still obliterated all but the NFL in its return.

Initial Nielsen numbers give the episode an average 1. Comparing those stats to the comparable premiere a year ago illustrates a dramatic drop, 4. The seventh season premiere of The Walking Dead proved to a be a ratings anomaly. Thanks to interest in a cliffhanger, the series neared series highs for a live- plus- same day telecast — averaging 1.

The drama subsequently saw its viewership suffer from some fatigue. Though it still recoups a great deal with live- plus- three and live- plus- seven day lifts, as most scripted fare does, the seventh season went on to average a total 1.

The film, which will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival this month before its debut on Showtime on June 9, uses never-seen personal footage of the star who died in. Queer as Folk is an American-Canadian drama television series. The series ran between December 3, 2000 to August 7, 2005 and was produced for Showtime and Showcase by.

That marked the second consecutive season of a downward trajectory after a five- year meteoric rise that culminated in an average 2. At the start of this eighth season, The Walking Dead remains the highest rated scripted series on TV of sorts. While its dominance over the rest of ad- supported cable and broadcast — new leader This Is Us (NBC) is pacing ahead of The Big Bang Theory (CBS) at the start of the broadcast season — seems to remain assured, the specter of HBO's Game of Thrones looms large. The pay cable juggernaut's recently- concluded seventh season averaged nearly 3. Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.

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Did you catch the TWD season premiere? Tell us what you thought of it in the comment section below.'Walking Dead' Review: All- Out War Begins with Badly Aimed Bang. In a sign that season 8 of The Walking Dead might be the same kind of drawn- out affair that the past couple of seasons have been, this week's season premiere got the promised all- out war started in a stuttering, logically problematic way. Could we be facing another season where a simple goal eludes the show's characters for episode after interminable episode? Forbes' Erik Kain fears that might be the case. Read on, but beware the spoilers.

There's a moment in the Season 8 premiere of The Walking Dead that transformed a reasonably decent season opener into an hour of television I wanted to smash to pieces with Lucille. The members of Hilltop, Alexandria and the Kingdom, have all come together to bring the war to Negan's doorstep. That's not figurative, either.

They quite literally drive up to his doorstep, cars rigged with big sides of sheet metal for protection, armed to the teeth. Earlier, in Rick's speech, he made clear that only one Savior had to die: Negan.

They go and kill several lookouts right after that speech, so it's more like "only five people have to die" but who's counting?) And who should walk out onto his doorstep in plain view of all these heavily armed rebels? Who gives them all the perfect chance to take him out then and there? Who swaggers like he's the king of all he sees, never once worried that maybe Rick had given orders to shoot him on sight? If you guessed Negan, you win. The Big Bad walks right out there like he hasn't got a care in the world. River Of No Return Movie Watch Online.

He's soon followed by his lieutenants, including the coward, Eugene, and the traitor, Dwight. It turns out, he had nothing to be afraid of. Despite being heavily armed, despite having multiple weapons with scopes and a clear shot, despite coming to do this very thing, nobody opens fire on Negan. Why? This is one of those incredibly frustrating moments that have come more and more to define The Walking Dead. Because there's really no good explanation as to why nobody shoots Negan the moment he showed his smug face. There's no reason one of the dozens of rebels couldn't have popped him at such close range. In the end, Rick "tricks" Negan and his men.

He gives them one last chance to forsake Negan and switch over to Team Rick and starts counting down from 1. But, like that fake old black white movie in Home Alone, he starts shooting before the count is up. And you know something else? Rick shoots with the accuracy of a Storm Trooper from Star Wars. See, Rick spent all his time making speeches and none of his time devising a plan that actually made any sense. By now, Rick would have known that Negan would come out with his little hip- swoop move and start talking crap in the most annoying way possible.

He knew that this would afford them the perfect shot. And since he only wanted to kill one guy, having sharp- shooters take Negan out the moment he walked outside would have made perfect sense. Read the rest of this review at Forbes. Were you happy with the TWD premiere? Tell us about it in the comment section below. Will New Season Resurrect 'The Walking Dead'? Just about everyong agrees that the previous season of The Walking Dead was a major disappointment.

Not only did the season draw derision from critics, it turned off millions of viewers, too. A series that once was the hottest thing on TV saw its ratings slide back to levels it hadn't seen in years. Can the show's producers turn around the series' rapid decline? Hannah Wales of Metro thinks not. Most TV shows run out of steam after seven seasons, and The Walking Dead is no exception.