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The Revival of Rhomaion: An Age of Miracles. Empire of Blood and Gold​"If only he had been this kind of Emperor five years ago we could have avoided this whole debacle. I'll probably have to clean up this mess. Sigh. I'm getting too old for this."- Prince Theodoros Komnenos to Ares, his Megas Domestikos. The various allies join for a multitude of reasons. Russia joins for the previously mentioned concessions, and its military aid also covers the dowry for Anastasia, sister of the Megas Rigas Mikhail III (grandson of Nikolai, brother of Kristina), fiancé of Alexios VI Komnenos.

Russia is bought mainly with gold, but both Georgia and Vlachia want Roman blood and iron. In exchange for having his debts to them forgiven, King Alexei makes Venera give several major Georgian armorers armament contracts for supplying goods for the tagmata warehouses.

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They are extremely lucrative contracts, and the first awarded to any non- Roman firm; it is a policy that is explicitly contrary to Roman policy set down by Theodoros Megas himself. Showtime Full Point Break Online Free. The main form of payment though is the future promise of Roman armies. Within fifteen years of his claiming of Constantinople, Alexios is pledged to support Vlachia with fifty thousand men against Hungary, and to support Georgia with no less than eighty thousand against the Ottoman Empire. Initially Nikephoros is not concerned. The War Room already has a prepared war plan for such an eventuality. In fact the War Room does not view a combined Russian- Georgian- Vlach offensive to be a serious threat, provided certain safeguards are taken to ensure no other foreign participants.

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It is confusing to students of military history, but the fact is that a war between Rhomania and Russia, two predominantly land powers, hinges largely on the navy. Neither Vlachia nor Georgia possess even close to the number of troops necessary to challenge the Roman Empire. Vlachia can put into the field close to 1. Transylvanian border forts (the vulnerability is covered by a Russian guarantee of Vlach borders).

Georgia can field thirty five thousand tagmata soldiers. Watch Night Junkies Online Idigitaltimes more. Improvements in Georgian armaments, the expansion of the printing press, and the frequent habit of Roman veterans retiring in Georgia to teach their skills means that by this point the gap in quality between Roman and Georgian troops is almost nonexistent. But Rhomania can field more than double the combined Vlach- Georgian armies, meaning massive Russian reinforcements are imperative. Eight thousand Russians overrun Tana and the Crimea without a fight, whilst a great host, styled the Army of the North, march south for Bulgaria.

Supplying such a force is extremely difficult, and seaborne provisions from all three nations essential to keep the force intact, meaning control of the Black Sea is vital. Without it, Russian contribution is effectively nil. Russia also insists on an immediate full- effort offensive into Thrace to knock Nikephoros out of the war quickly. Novgorod does not want a long war with the Empire, since Scythia’s economy is built almost entirely on Roman trade. That offensive will be conducted by the Army of the North, supported by the Vlachs and Roman European tagmata loyal to Venera/Alexios. The Georgians, along with Asian tagmata, will invade Anatolia to draw away Nikephorean loyalists from the decisive theater of Thrace.

On March 2. 3, the Imperial Navy, one hundred twenty two warships strong, puts out to sea as the Army of the North assembles at Ryazan. It outnumbers the combined Russian Black Sea- Vlach- Georgian fleets almost five to two. Venera had hopes that the Megas Doux, the commander of the Roman navy, would side with her and Alexios, but old Ioannes Laskaris, who first earned his battle scars as a fourteen- year- old at the Lido, refuses to support one who would bring foreigners into the Empire. The failed defection of Ioannes is compensated somewhat when Katepano Demetrios declares for Venera, along with the two Egyptian tagmata, albeit for a price. Demetrios does not have much longer to live, and he demands that his son Andreas be promoted to Katepano while he steps down, whilst retaining his title as strategos of the Egyptian tagma. It is a dangerous combination of civic and military power in a single individual, but Venera has little choice. With Demetrios comes Andreas Angelos, who can now enter the Empire since the Turks barred his intended route to Georgia.

It is indeed unfortunate for the Allied cause, and the Roman Empire that he could not reach the Black Sea in time. His prestige might have been enough to impel the Imperial fleet to defect despite the Megas Doux if he had been physically present. But prior to the battle of Odessos, only two of the five squadrons defect to Venera and Alexios, leaving both sides evenly matched. The Battle of Odessos was fought just outside the Vlach port, which was serving as the main supply depot of the Army of the North. To compensate for their lack of cannons, some of the Vlach ships were armed with 'dragons' heads', flamethrowers modeled after old Greek firethrowers although lacking the liquid fire. Despite some spectacular short- range success against Roman dromons, they proved to be of limited utility in battle.

When the bloody day of April 8 ends, the allies have command of the Black Sea, but at a terrible cost. Out of eleven Vlach ships, only four are seaworthy, and out of the eleven captains, only one, minus an arm, lives. The news is far worse for Rhomania.

Out of the one hundred and twenty two warships that sailed out of the Golden Horn six weeks earlier, half are no longer fit for service, with losses in personnel even more devastating, especially amongst trained officers. Roman policy of stationing snipers in the rigging to pick off enemy officers has backfired badly. The bloodiness of the fighting comes as a surprise to many students of history, but both sides are waging a very thorough propaganda war. The partisans of Venera know that they can expect no mercy if they fail, so are inclined to show none. Their resolve is strengthened as Nikephoros’ agents terrorize Targoviste, Novgorod, and Tbilisi.

Although the various royal families are safe, it is remarked that in February a Siberian chain gang member had better survival odds than a member of the Novgorodian veche. Nor are Nikephoros’ actions limited to mere assassinations. On February 2. 7, arsonists set fire to the magazines in Smolensk, completely destroying them along with half of the city.