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List of crowdsourcing projects - Wikipedia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Below is a list of projects that rely on crowdsourcing. See also open innovation. Adaptive Vehicle Make is a project overseen by DARPA to crowdsource the design and manufacture of a new armoured vehicle. AED4 allows members of the public to register locations of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) online, to enable a nearby AED to be quickly located during an emergency using the AED4.

US i. Phoneapp (Radboud University Nijmegen).[1]Air Quality Eggs by Wicked. Devices are open- source hardware Internet of Things pollution monitors that facilitate citizen crowdsourcing of air quality readings. Ajapaik. ee is a platform for crowdsourcing geotags and rephotographs for historic view images (mostly photographs, but also paintings, graphic art). Most of the content is from Estonian public collections. By May 2. 01. 7 almost 5. Since November 2. Norwegian instance of Ajapaik platform: Fotodugnad.
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- Collaboration of the Week: Lilly Pulitzer x Watch Hill. The fashion brand Lilly Pulitzer is known for its #Resort365 culture — aka when wearing your vacation attire.

Amara is a website that enables crowdsourced translations of videos from a variety of popular video hosting websites. The subtitles created are used to make online video content accessible to a wider audience, including the deaf and hard of hearing, and those who cannot understand the language of the source. In 2. 00. 5, Amazon. Watch Last Action Hero Mojoboxoffice. Amazon Mechanical Turk, a platform on which crowdsourcing tasks called "HITs" (Human Intelligence Tasks") can be created and publicized and people can execute the tasks and be paid for doing so.
Dubbed "Artificial Artificial Intelligence", it was named after The Turk, an 1. US Army Air Forces who served from the UK in the Second World War and the British civilians they met. It collects photographs and information. It was launched in October 2. IWM as part of a project focused on the American Air Museum at IWM Duxford.[3]The first crowdsourced documentary film is the non- profit "The American Revolution," which went into production in 2. WBCN- FM in Boston.[4][5][6][7] When the project began, by seeking archival contributions from the public, the term "crowdsource" was not in use, and so the film was referred to as the "first open source documentary film." The film is being produced by Lichtenstein Creative Media and the non- profit Filmmakers Collaborative. Arcbazar, American crowdsourcing platform for architectural design services, established in 2.
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Arkitekturbilleder. Danish architecture.
Pictures are contributed by volunteer photographers with architectural education and background. Article One Partners, founded in 2.
By submitting research to the online platform, the community members compete for cash rewards, ranging from $5,0. Astro. Drone[1. 0] is a scientific crowdsourcing project of the European Space Agency. It involves a game for the Parrot AR. Drone. While players perform space missions in an augmented reality, visual features are extracted from the robot's camera images. If players agree to contribute to the experiment, these features are sent to a database. Analysis of the database is meant to improve robotic perception for tasks such as obstacle avoidance. Australian Historic Newspapers[1.
National Library of Australia encourages members of the public to correct/fix up/improve the electronically translated (OCR) text of old newspapers. This means the full- text search capability is instantly improved for everyone. The service was released in August 2. March 2. 01. 0 over 1. This is the first library project in the world that has undertaken crowdsourcing on a large scale. The leader of the project Rose Holley is an advocate of using crowdsourcing to help libraries and archives expose and improve digital resources and has written articles about the Australian newspaper achievements[1. California Digital Newspaper Collection[1.
In August 2. 01. 1 the California Digital Newspaper Collection implemented crowdsourced OCR text correction of its digitized historical newspapers, some published as early as 1. California statehood 1. CDNC is a project of the Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research (CBSR) at the University of California, Riverside. The CDNC is supported in part by the U. S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Historic Cambridge Newspaper Collection.[1.
In March 2. 01. 1, the Cambridge Public Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts launched a digital collection of historic newspapers that implements crowdsourced OCR text correction. The freely accessible and keyword searchable database contains newspapers dating back to 1. Cambridge was established as a city. The Historic Cambridge Newspaper Collection is a project of the Cambridge Room, the Cambridge Public Library's Archives and Special Collections, and is supported by funding from the Community Preservation Act. Chicago History Museum on October 1. According to the American Alliance of Museums, this is the first crowdsourcing project allowing the public to give an exhibition assignment to an American museum. City. Sourced is an enterprise civic engagement platform.
City. Sourced provides a mobile app in order for citizens to identify and report non- emergency civic issues, such as public works, quality of life, and environmental issues. The service is part of the e- Government or gov 2. Cisco Systems Inc. I- Prize contest in which teams using collaborative technologies created innovative business plans. The winners in 2. Anna Gossen from Munich, her husband Niels Gossen, and her brother, Sergey Bessonnitsyn, that created a business plan demonstrating how IP technology could be used to increase energy efficiency. More than 2,5. 00 people from 1.
The winning team won US$2. Secrets From Her Past Full Movie there. Citizen Archivist Dashboard[2. US National Archives and Records Administration, beginning with users transcribing 1. Census data. Civil War Diaries & Letters Transcription Project: [2. The University of Iowa Libraries. Clickworkers – experimental NASA site.
Colored Conventions Project[2. University of Delaware has launched the Transcribe Minutes[2. African American. Colored Conventions Movement. The first batch of available documents includes well- known leaders such as Frederick Douglass and Henry Highland Garnet from the 1. Condor Watch. The California condor is a critically endangered species and the population is suffering from the effects of lead poisoning. By tracking the location and social behavior of the animals we can better detect early warning signs of the illness.[2.
A Zooniverse project. Crowd- Sourced Assessment of Technical Skills (C- SATS), Inc.
Seattle, WA based medical performance assessment company that performs crowd- based assessment of surgical skills.[2. Crowdcrafting is a crowdsourcing platform that invites volunteers to contribute to scientific projects developed by citizens, professionals or institutions that need help to solve problems, analyze data or complete challenging tasks that cannot be done by machines alone, but require human intelligence. Watch Getting Straight Online Metacritic on this page. The platform is 1.
Crowdin is a localization management platform for mobile apps, web, desktop software and related assets. Reddit, Khan Academy, Minecraft and other used the platform to crowdsource localization.[2. Crowd. Flower was founded in 2. It is currently the largest provider of crowdsourcing solutions for enterprise with over 4.
Crowd. Med is a healthcare crowdsourcing platform based in San Francisco, California.[3. Crowdspring is a marketplaces for crowdsourced creative services.[3. Crowdville combines crowdsourcing, gamification and industrial expertise.[3. Crowd. Water collects hydrological data such as runoff, water level, soil moisture and stream mapping and explores its potential for hydrological modeling.[3.
The 2. 00. 7 DARPAUrban Challenge focused on autonomous vehicles, requiring participating teams to create an autonomous vehicle that was able to successfully navigate traffic as well as complex maneuvers including merging, passing, and parking.